The property where Wildwood by the Lake now operates was originally owned and operated as a farm. The farmland was sold to Don Steele and Luth McCabe who developed a portion of the land and in 1971 the park opened as Terrace Beach Campground. In august of 1977, the park was sold to Dick Lehnen and renamed Jellystone Park Campground and had amenities such as mini-putt, a baseball diamond, and the pool was expanded.
In June of 1978 there was a meeting of the lot leaseholders to discuss forming an association to assist management with the recreational programs and to act as a liaison with management. Jellystone Park was relatively short-lived and the park was renamed Wildwood by the Lake in 1980. The membership elected a Board of Directors, retained a lawyer, and took the necessary steps to create a corporation without share capital. Wildwood by the Lake Leaseholders Association received its charter on May 5, 1982. The mission was to provide enjoyment for all members and prepare for eventual takeover of the park.
On March 12, 1984 the membership empowered the Board of Directors to borrow a sum not exceeding $350,000 on the credit of the Association with the intent to purchase the park. The offer was eventually accepted and after long negotiations, the park officially became ours on May 11, 1986. To facilitate the purchase, lots were developed and sold for $3,250. In October of 1989 the $350,000 mortgage was repaid and a “Burning of the Mortgage” celebration was held.
Interestingly, a sister park was born in Bayfield, Ontario, called Wildwood by the River – also a former Jellystone Park. The two parks enjoyed a friendly rivalry in the early years of their existence with many competitions including slo-pitch, horseshoes, and golf tournaments. It was this initial slo-pitch tournament that eventually evolved into the tournament we now host annually.
The park we enjoy today evolved over the years from original construction in 1971 through 1986 when the last lots were constructed along Deadwood Drive. Have a look at the photos. The name Deadwood Drive was derived from a massive dead tree that used to stand just north of the Rec Hall.

An aerial shot of the park in 1986. The final lots along Deadwood Drive are just being put into place.

A view of Terrace Beach in the early 1900’s.

A view of the park in 1978 when it existed as Jellystone Park. Note the “NEW” lot development North of Poison Ivy Lane and no ball diamond yet.